Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you a John Ostrander fan?

I know I am. John Ostrander's Suicide Squad is among my favorite comic books and I also enjoyed his Deadshot limited series, the Manhunter series he co-wrote with his wife Kim Yale and the late 90s Heroes for Hire comic he did for Marvel which had a wonderful sense of humour. I even enjoyed his run on Firestorm and that one didn't go over well with the hardcore Firestorm fans. Among his significant contributions to DC Comics was building up Deadshot to one of DC's top tier villains and repositioning Barbara Gordon into the cyber-heroine Oracle.

John Ostrander has glaucoma and being a comic book professional, he's not exactly swimming with money. Fortunately, Comix4Sight has been established to generate donations to help him pay his bills and save his sight; if you consider yourself an Ostrander fan, you would do well to aid him. I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately i only heard about Ostrander's condition recently. do you happen to know what his current medical statis is? the prospect of some body working in the comic book industry loosing their eye sight is bizarre and tragic in an ironic way much like the drummer from Def Leopard loosing his arm in a car accident.
