Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Proof returns tomorrow with Endangered#1!

I'm always happy to blog about Alex Grecian & Riley Rossmo's Image series Proof! Begun in 2007, Proof released 28 issues in its original run, which have been collected into five trade paperbacks (the fifth, Blue Fairies comes out tomorrow).

So, I'm very pleased to note that Proof: Endangered#1 ships tomorrow, promising the continued adventures of John Prufrock, the Bigfoot with a mission!

Endangered is setting the stage for Prufrock's exploration of his past, his family and his origins. If you've been following since 2007 (as I have) then you're already hooked! If not, that's what the trades are for! There's a good interview with Grecian found here.

Endangered#1 also features a special biography section written by yours truly; keep your eyes peeled for more bonus features by me in upcoming issues of Proof: Endangered!

And, so long as you're at the comic shop tomorrow, be sure to grab the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#5, the last issue of the 2010 series! Learn more about its contents here!

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