Thursday, March 5, 2015

A new round of coast-to-coast media promotion!

Once again I'm in the news - this time appearing in an article for the Calgary Herald. Canadians continue to be fascinated by the character Nelvana of the Northern Lights and, as a decently-educated and willing comics scholar, I've again submitted to their wishes. You may read the Calgary Herald article (with video) here! The story has also run in various other city papers, including Vancouver, Regina & Ottawa.

I'm sure I made some errors - like, it occurred to me later that if you consider Fantomah a super hero then she predates Nelvana. I suppose it comes down to semantics, like whether you think the Phantom is a super hero or not.

Anyway, I much prefer these interviews to the sort I did back in my Marvel days - I found it difficult to talk passionately about the Marvel projects while knowing the interviews were primarily intended to serve as marketing. Now I'm not selling anything and I think I'm a lot more authentic.

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