Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Now on Comixology: Iron Manual Mark 3!

Comixology has recently added another of my Marvel projects to their site: why, it's Iron Manual Mark 3 from 2010! I was the head writer of this title, as I'd been on All-New Iron Manual. I felt like I'd already done the most important Iron Man characters in the previous book, but this gave me an opportunity to cover Iron Man's supporting cast from across the decades, which I relished. A copy of this comic was purchased by Robert Downey Jr., which was a thrill to see.
Activate the latest edition of the IRON MANUAL, purposed for experts and novices alike! Built around reliable parts including Iron Man and War Machine; engineered with new designs such as Rescue, Ezekiel Stane and Whiplash (Vanko); kit-bashed from the future with the Stark and Iron Man 2020; and refurbished to accommodate an infusion of Firebrand, Mandroids, LMDs, Masters of Silence, Anthem, Gremlin and more! It's all in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe format, featuring plenty of art by Mario Gully (Ant, KIDNAPPED)!

Iron Manual Mark 3 is only $1.99 at Comixology!

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