Tuesday, December 25, 2018

OTR Holiday Month Day 25: The Greatest Story Ever Told

Merry Christmas!

After World War II there was an increased focus on Christianity in US culture which spilled over on to the radio as Christian groups organized programming such as Family Theater and The Greatest Story Ever Told. The latter program began in 1947 and would retell stories from the Bible in the style of contemporary dramas. It was so popular that it became a book (a book based on a radio show based on the Bible, which is a book) and later on a film which wasn't too well-regarded.

The adaptation of the story of Christ's birth was told over several weeks on the program, so I've brought them all together here from archive.org. You can hear "And Her Name Was Mary" here, "Blessed Among Women" here, "Go and Be Counted" here, "No Room at the Inn" here and "Flight into Egypt" here.

I hope you're having a marvelous Christmas!

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