Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Space-Born Super Hero Part 5: Captain Marvel #2

We have reached the second issue of Captain Marvel and the story "From the Void of Space Comes... the Super Skrull!" by Roy Thomas and Gene Colan (inks again by Vince Colletta).

The story wastes no time, opening on the Skrull homeworld and its ruler, Emperor Dorrek (and his pet robot dog Machino). Dorrek watches a video report of the previous issue's events, taking note that a Kree soldier and a Kree Sentry have both been sighted on Earth. Dorrek wonders why the Kree are taking an interest in Earth so summons his greatest warrior: the Super-Skrull! By the time the Super-Skrull has reached Dorrek's throne room, Dorrek (and Machino) has been joined by his daughter Princess Anelle (who like her dad had previously appeared in Fantastic Four). When Dorrek orders the Super-Skrull to seek and destroy Captain Mar-Vell, the Super-Skrull wonders why a lone Kree is so important.

Dorrek's response is one of Roy Thomas' most influential additions to Marvel Comics' lore: y'see, as we learn from Dorrek, the Skrulls and the Kree are enemies and Mar-Vell has faced them before in battle. "Well do our war-annals recall how fiercely, how valorously he fought against us in the war for control of the satellite galaxy NGC 205! If our age-old enemies have sent a battle-hero such as he to Earth... it must be of vast importance to them! We must learn why!!!" This page here is the root of so many future Kree stories, not the least of which is the Kree-Skrull War. This page is basically the birthplace of outer space politics in Marvel Comics stories. It should be mentioned this is also the first time we readers have been given information on what Mar-Vell had been up to prior to being sent to Earth; this becomes a major part of backstory for his character, not only that he's an enemy of the Skrulls, but that he has a significant history of combat in his past.

It's still immediately after Sentry#459's defeat as Mar-Vell flies back his hotel room to get out of his battle-suit. He takes some of his breathing potion (distilled with water) then reaches for his carry-all cylinder, only to discover the device has gone missing (stolen last issue by Jeremy Logan). Unfortunately, as Mar-Vell reveals, there's a miniature nuclear bomb inside the case to prevent tampering, which is what Logan accidentally triggered last issue (a nuclear bomb to protect their clothes? talk about paranoid!). In only two hours, the bomb will explode. At that moment, Jeremy is driving to the Cape to show the cylinder off to General Bridges. But, just to compound what a terrible day Jeremy is having, he attracts the attention of the Super-Skrull, who is trying to find Mar-Vell by searching for the radiation signature found on their battle-suits, and picks up the cylinder. The Super-Skrull easily overpowers Jeremy and snatches the cylinder from him.

Mar-Vell, of course, is also on Jeremy's trail and catches up just as the Super-Skrull has thrown Jeremy over a cliff. Mar-Vell flies after Jeremy and catches him, but the impact knocks him unconscious (thus setting up the next phase of Jeremy's odd journey). The Super-Skrull shows off his various Fantastic Four powers, although Mar-Vell's uni-beam is able to snuff out his version of the Human Torch's flames. The fight eventually leads them through the Cape and across several of the soldiers. This leads to an interesting line where the Super-Skrull calls the soldiers "primitive aborigines". The fight draws the attention of Carol Danvers to remind us she's still interested in learning more about Captain Marvel. Yon-Rogg also takes a moment to watch the fight from his spaceship, hoping that if Mar-Vell dies in battle he can have his enemy killed without getting into trouble with the Imperial Minister. The Super-Skrull knocks Mar-Vell out, having forgotten about the cylinder; the nuclear bomb is still counting down.

Thoughts: There's not much to this story - just your typical super hero fights super villain tale. However, as the introduction of the Kree-Skrull enmity it's a landmark in the history of the Marvel Universe. So heck, even though this era of Captain Marvel is not renowned as a great comic book series, it managed to introduce something significant to the lore.

Next: Captain Marvel #3 and the conclusion of the Super-Skrull fight!

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