Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Space-Born Super Hero Part 38: Avengers #106

Welcome back to 'Space-Born Super Hero' and we're now nearly at the end of Captain Marvel's pre-Jim Starlin era. Today I'm looking at Avengers #106 (1972), entitled "A Traitor Stalks Among Us!" by Steve Englehart, Rich Buckler and George Tuska (inks by Dave Cockrum). This is Englehart's first time approaching Captain Marvel and he'd eventually succeed Starlin as the writer of the Captain Marvel series.

We open at Avengers Mansion as Captain America finds the Vision brooding. The rest of the team is out looking for Quicksilver while Vision admits to Cap that he's convinced he's unable to experience love due to his android nature. Suddenly Rick Jones storms in, once again angry at Captain America and the Avengers for leaving him to fend for himself. As a bitter boast, Rick declares, "Rick Jones is here to tell you he can do his own protectin' now, 'cause he's got a thing goin' with--Captain Marvel!" he strikes his Nega-Bands together to show off he and Mar-Vell renewed connection (you'll recall the Avengers didn't learn about their connection 'til Avengers #89, when they helped Rick get out of the Negative Zone). As Rick does this, Captain America has a sudden vision of himself and Rick battling Hydra a couple of years earlier when Rick had been dressed as Bucky. But Rick has memory of the particular battle Cap is remembering. This leads the Avengers into an investigation which involves the Grim Reaper and the Space Phantom.

Thoughts: I'm glancing over this one because only one scene has to do with Captain Marvel, and even then he only appears in the panel where Rick strikes his Nega-Bands together. Rick seems a bit out of character compared to how reasonably he and Cap patched things up back in Avengers #72, but he had been sniping at Mar-Vell in recent issues of their own title, so I suppose it's just Rick's present mood.

Next: Captain Marvel #24!

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