Monday, September 23, 2019

The Benefit of Steel is available in print!

I am very pleased to say that the print version of The Benefit of Steel is now available from It has already begun selling a few copies; I hope that I have done a fair and readable take on my uncle Steve Foster's life and that this book can continue to find audiences for years to come, just as Sword and Scalpel did for his father.

Here's the promotional blurb:

Born in Canada; raised in Zambia; serving in Angola. Dr. Steve Foster has lived a remarkable life as a missionary surgeon, bringing what he calls "the benefit of steel" to relieve suffering people in times of war and poverty. Steve is one of many missionaries in his family, a lineage with more than 100 years of worldwide service. This is the story of Steve and his wife Peggy and how God shaped their lives for service in Angola, where they have been since 1978. As the Fosters' story is revealed to you in these pages, you will learn the history of Angola and its civil war and witness stories of miracles, dangers and heartbreak.

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