Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Inner Sanctum Halloween Month, day 14 of 31: "The Undead"

As I once indicated in my list Various Venerable Vampires of Various Value in Vintage Radio, vampires were somewhat scarce in old-time radio. Although Inner Sanctum's host loved to crack jokes about vampires, they seldom flashed a fang in the program itself. A rare and welcome exception is "The Undead," which was originally broadcast December 18, 1945. In this story, a woman begins to wonder about her husband, an actor who only seems to work by night; then she finds an old obituary in his name -- and she begins to worry that he plans to make her one of the living dead.

I blogged about Ernie Colon's comic book version of this story here.

"The Undead" was hosted by Paul McGrath and starred Anne Seymour. You can listen to this episode at by clicking here.

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