Monday, June 14, 2021

20 Great Years of Radio, Part 8: 1945

  1. Suspense (CBS): A typically phenomenal year for Suspense! This year included so many great episodes and, despite Suspense's renown, I fear there are many that still haven't received the attention they're owed. August Heat with Ronald Colman is far and away my favourite of the year but there are all kinds of amazing episodes such as The Visitor, To Find Help and Murder for Myra.
  2. The Jack Benny Program (NBC): This was a strong year for Benny which included a fun series of weekly sketches where Jack recounted how he (supposedly) met each of his co-stars (Phil Harris' episode is the best). This was also the year of the "I Can't Stand Jack Benny" contest and of Ronald and Benita Colman becoming recurring characters as Jack's neighbours.
  3. The Whistler (CBS): Another great year for the Whistler, which seems to be better and better each year! My favourites among the year's twist endings are: What Makes a Murderer?, Sing a Song of Murder and Death Laughs Last.
  4. Inner Sanctum Mysteries (CBS): This was Inner Sanctum's best year as all sorts of strong horror stories were presented, including Boris Karloff in The Wailing Wall and Corridor of Doom. But for me, the best of the year is The Judas Clock, a grisly story about a timepiece which doubles as a death-trap. But some great episodes include: Death Across the Board, Terror By Night and The Lonely Sleep.
  5. Information Please (NBC): This turned out to be the venerable quiz show's final year. At least it wrapped up as consistently witty as ever and with another memorable appearance by Fred Allen as guest.
  6. The Mysterious Traveler (Mutual): Another good year, albeit with very few episodes surviving! The best of what remains is: They Who Sleep and Death Comes for Adolf Hitler.
  7. This Is My Best (CBS): This was the end of the run for this program but it had a great adaptation of Heart of Darkness. This is not the last of Orson Welles on my lists, however.
  8. The Life of Riley (Blue/NBC): Another good year for this family sitcom.
  9. Arch Oboler's Plays (Mutual): One last run around the block for Arch Oboler; this series was very variable in tone and quality but there are some great scripts, none of them really in the same vein as Lights Out: An Exercise in Horror, Mr. Pyle, Dr. Bluff and Rocket from Manhattan.
  10. The Shadow (Mutual): A good year for the Shadow which included a strong episode titled The Case of the Flaming Skull.

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