Thursday, February 17, 2022

Hitchcock vs. Radio Part 12: Rope


  • Best Plays (November 30, 1950): starring Victor Jory.

I'm a little unlike most Hitchcock fans in that I rate Rope very high - I think it's one of his best films. The camera movements and editing in this picture are just fun and I think the tension of the situation is maintained throughout.

But this radio drama is not an adaptation of the film, it's an adaptation of the original play by Patrick Hamilton. Unfortunately, I don't think it works well at all - everything about the story is too obvious as it seems like the only subject people want to discuss at the party is the chest and what might be inside it - it lacks the subtle touch in Hitchcock's film. As well, I find Victor Jory is just too intense in his role - there's nothing wry or clever about him, he simply seems to suspect the murderers from the moment he enters the play.

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