Friday, September 23, 2022

Moon Knight (season 1) Creator Credits

The Disney+ Moon Knight series seems as though it primarily used Lemire and Smallwood's Moon Knight stories as their source material. It's not a bad series, but it's more "inspired by" Moench and Perlin's creations than an adaptation of it, with: Marlene Alraune written out and her background given to a character the showrunners created; Steven Grant as a nerdy Englishman (rather than a suave playboy); Jake Lockley as a Spanish limo driver (instead of Brooklyn cabbie); villains who share a name but precious little else to their comic book counterparts. It does feel like they wanted to portray Spector's mental problems with sensitivity and, well, the comics were never very good as depicting Spector's problems with much sympathy (or accuracy; or consistency).

Anyway, when it comes to Moon Knight I'm a Moench/Sienkiewicz man; but this isn't a review, it's a list of which creators contributed what to the Disney+ program. You can see my full list of Marvel Cinematic Universe creator credits here.

Doug Moench: co-creator of Moon Knight wearing a large white cloak; of Moon Knight possessing superhuman strength (Hulk #13, 1979); of Randall Spector, Marc's younger brother (Hulk #17, 1979); of Moon Knight using a variety of different personalities and names when outside of his costume; of Steven Grant and Jake Lockley, Moon Knight's civilian identities; of Moon Knight wearing a cape that can be used as a glider; of Moon Knight's ally Crawley (Marvel Spotlight #28, 1976); of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the moon, the patron of Moon Knight who raised him from death as his avatar; of Marc Spector as an infamous mercenary; of Bushman, Marc Spector's mercenary ally; of Marc Spector's fellow mercenaries invading a dig site and Bushman murdering an archaeologist, causing the man's daughter to hate Marc by proxy (Moon Knight #1, 1980); of Anton Mogart, a thief and enemy of Moon Knight (Moon Knight #3, 1981); of Moon Knight's multiple identities being a manifestation of his fragile psychological status (Moon Knight #7, 1981); of DuChamp, Frenchie's surname (Moon Knight #11, 1981); of Marc Spector's Jewish heritage (Moon Knight #17, 1982); of Moon Knight, alias Marc Spector, a super hero costumed in white who wields moon-shaped crescent dart weapons and truncheons; of Frenchie, Moon Knight's ally (Werewolf by Night #32, 1975)

Bill Sienkiewicz: co-creator of Moon Knight wearing a large white cloak; of Moon Knight possessing superhuman strength (Hulk #13, 1979); of Randall Spector, Marc's younger brother (Hulk #17, 1979); of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the moon, the patron of Moon Knight who raised him from death as his avatar; of Marc Spector as an infamous mercenary; of Bushman, Marc Spector's mercenary ally; of Marc Spector's fellow mercenaries invading a dig site and Bushman murdering an archaeologist, causing the man's daughter to hate Marc by proxy (Moon Knight #1, 1980); of Anton Mogart, a thief and enemy of Moon Knight (Moon Knight #3, 1981); of Moon Knight's multiple identities being a manifestation of his fragile psychological status (Moon Knight #7, 1981); of DuChamp, Frenchie's surname (Moon Knight #11, 1981); of Marc Spector's Jewish heritage (Moon Knight #17, 1982); of Madripoor, a nation with a great deal of organized crime (New Mutants #32, 1985)

Jeff Lemire: co-creator of Marc Spector finding himself in delusional mental hospital in which staff attempt to convince him he's insane, with staff and patients being people from his real life; of Moon Knight able to perceive mystical creatures who are invisible to others; of Moon Knight battling the Egyptian goddess Ammut, who adopts a mortal guise (Moon Knight #1, 2016); of the Overvoid, the realm where the Egyptian gods who have withdrawn from Earth reside (Moon Knight #2, 2016); of Marc Spector's mental issues rooted in his childhood (Moon Knight #10, 2017)

Greg Smallwood: co-creator of Marc Spector finding himself in delusional mental hospital in which staff attempt to convince him he's insane, with staff and patients being people from his real life; of Moon Knight able to perceive mystical creatures who are invisible to others; of Moon Knight Battling the Egyptian goddess Ammut, who adopts a mortal guise (Moon Knight #1, 2016); of the Overvoid, the realm where the Egyptian gods who have withdrawn from Earth reside (Moon Knight #2, 2016); of Marc Spector's mental issues rooted in his childhood (Moon Knight #10, 2017)

Don Perlin: co-creator of Moon Knight using a variety of different personalities and names when outside of his costume; of Steven Grant and Jake Lockley, Moon Knight's civilian identities; of Moon Knight wearing a cape that can be used as a glider; of Moon Knight's ally Crawley (Marvel Spotlight #28, 1976); of Moon Knight, alias Marc Spector, a super hero costumed in white who wields moon-shaped crescent dart weapons and truncheons; of Frenchie, Moon Knight's ally (Werewolf by Night #32, 1975)

Alan Zelenetz: co-creator of Elias Spector, Moon Knight's father (Moon Knight #37, 1984); pf Moon Knight wielding mystial weapons and wearing costume with golden pieces; Moon Knight serving as "the fist of Vengeance" for Khonshu (Moon Knight #1, 1985); of Dr. Arthur Harrow, an enemy of Moon Knight (Moon Knight #2, 1985)

Chris Warner: co-creator of Moon Knight wielding mystial weapons and wearing costume with golden pieces; Moon Knight serving as "the fist of Vengeance" for Khonshu (Moon Knight #1, 1985); of Dr. Arthur Harrow, an enemy of Moon Knight (Moon Knight #2, 1985)

Warren Ellis: co-creator of Marc Spector analyzed as having dissociative identity disorder; of Khonshu depicted with a bird's head and carrying a crescent moon staff; of Moon Knight wearing a suit jacket version of his costume (Moon Knight #1, 2014)

Declan Shalvey: co-creator of Marc Spector analyzed as having dissociative identity disorder; of Khonshu depicted with a bird's head and carrying a crescent moon staff; of Moon Knight wearing a suit jacket version of his costume (Moon Knight #1, 2014)

Chris Claremont: co-creator of Madripoor, a nation with a great deal of organized crime (New Mutants #32, 1985)

Roy Thomas: co-creator of Scarlet Scarab, an Egyptian with mystical powers (Invaders #23, 1977)

Frank Robbins: co-creator of Scarlet Scarab, an Egyptian with mystical powers (Invaders #23, 1977)

Bo Hampton: co-creator of Elias Spector, Moon Knight's father (Moon Knight #37, 1984)

Christopher Priest: co-creator of Khonshu as a member of the Ennead (Black Panther #21, 2000)

Sal Velluto: co-creator of Khonshu as a member of the Ennead (Black Panther #21, 2000)

Charlie Huston: co-creator of Moon Knight's eyes glowing (Moon Knight #1, 2006)

David Finch: co-creator of Moon Knight's eyes glowing (Moon Knight #1, 2006)

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