Sunday, October 23, 2022

OTR Halloween Day 23: The Shadow

Unlike other shows I've featured this Halloween, The Shadow was not a horror anthology. It was simply a detective-mystery show featuring the titular Shadow in his adventures against crime. But unlike most radio adventure heroes, the Shadow had a decidedly supernatural bend to his adventures. It helped that he possessed "the power to cloud men's minds so that they cannot see him," which opened the door to all sorts of shenanigans.

Take for instance "Death Coils to Strike." It first aired March 21, 1948 during the era of Bret Morrison, who portrayed the Shadow in more episodes than any other performer. This drama involves a man who is afraid of his wife; he thinks she's transforming into a snake. Could it be true? Either way, it's a chilling episode.

You can check out "Death Coils to Strike" on the Internet Archive.

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