Tuesday, October 25, 2022

OTR Halloween Day 25: The Strange Dr. Weird

The Strange Dr. Weird was a Mutual program which aired from the fall of 1944 to the spring of 1945. It was a fifteen-minute horror anthology hosted by the titular Dr. Weird, portrayed my Maurice Tarplin, who also portrayed the Mysterious Traveler on Mutual. In fact, The Strange Dr. Weird was produced by Robert A. Arthur of the Mysterious Traveler and the stories are exactly like those heard on Arthur's other program - but in a shorter timeslot. I blogged about this series in one of my Radio Recaps.

"The Man Who Talked with Death" aired on December 12, 1944. Two reporters meet a morgue attendant who claims he can speak to the newly-deceased. They think he's off his rocker but when he claims a murder victim identified their murderer to him, the reporters choose to investigate the clue.

You can hear "The Man Who Talked with Death" at the Internet Archive.

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