Sunday, October 9, 2022

OTR Halloween Day 9: Hall of Fantasy

The Hall of Fantasy was a Mutual radio program which aired 1952-1953. It was a horror anthology and fans have noted that this series is unlike many others in that it frequently adopts bad outcomes for its protagonists. The protagonists of these stories don't "have it coming" like some horror characters. In some episodes, the forces of evil simply triumph over the forces of good. Still, there are also many episodes where good triumphs, so you really don't know what to expect in the climax on an episode-by-episode basis.

This time I'm recommending "Dance of the Devil Dolls" from February 9, 1953. An old woman builds dolls as imitations of men, then sends them out to kill the one they were patterned after. Killer dolls are a familiar trope in horror stories - what makes these toys effectively creepy are the accompanying sound effects! You can hear this episode on YouTube.

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