Monday, October 2, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 2: "Let the Lilies Consider"

"We... consider the lilies and some of us love them. Do you suppose the lilies consider us and... sometimes return our love?"

Here we have an episode of Quiet, Please that feels like a forgotten Algernon Blackwood tale. As in Blackwood's fiction, nature has an overwhelming presence, a fascination that overcomes and subsumes humanity. In this case, it's about a man who loves his flowers (especially lilies) and his wife who does not. Under interrogation by the police over his wife's disappearance, the man goes into how the flowers came between them and the weird outcome of this conflict.

"Let the Lilies Consider" was originally broadcast June 28, 1948. You can listen to the episode at Quiet, For another view on this episode, I recommend the Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society podcast, who listened to and discussed this episode in an early installment that you can listen to on their website.

Image created using Firefly.

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