Sunday, October 8, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 8: "Take Me Out to the Graveyard"

"You drive a cab twelve, fifteen years like I done, you get some funny ones. Drunks that wanna take you home with 'em, guys that tell ya to take 'em to the Whosit Hotel when you're parked practically in front of it, dames that want you... Well, ya get some funny ones, but this is the first time I run into this kinda character. Well, so I'm drivin' a cab to make a buck, not to argue with people about where they wanna go. So I think: Lakeside Cemetery. That's the farthest."

A taxi driver keeps picking up fares who direct him towards a graveyard. Not any graveyard in particular - just to a graveyard. He complies, but grows increasingly unnerved by these passengers he's taking on. Has he become a ferryman to departed souls? Are the passengers already dead before they enter his cab?

"Take Me Out to the Graveyard" was originally broadcast November 3, 1947. You can listen to the episode at Quiet,

Image created using Firefly.

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