Saturday, November 4, 2023

Back in Action: Flash Gordon!

Comics blogger Mike Sterling recently noted that the comic strip Flash Gordon has recently and unexpectedly become interesting! Creator Dan Schkade took over the strip a few weeks ago and he's certainly emphasizing familiar faces, lots of action and an energetic art style. Here's the homepage.

I didn't grow up with the Flash Gordon strip - I've never seen a local newspaper who carried it. In fact, the local newspapers seemed to have little interest in the non-humourous comic strips (Rex Morgan M.D. is the only comic strip drama I recall from my youth). Consequently, I think I'm in the majority who know of Flash Gordon as a museum piece, a relic, a forgotten property; indeed, the comic strip went on hiatus in 2003 and spent the last 20 years replaying old strips. Not every property gets a second chance, but the weight of Flash Gordon's influence on science fiction and adventure must surely have helped it.

I'm pleased with what I've read so far - if these strips had been in the newspaper when I was a kid, I would have been a huge fan. Kudos to Mr. Schkade!

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