Monday, March 25, 2024

Inner Sanctum: Front Page Murder (lost episode)

Before I first got on the internet in 1998 I had already compiled a list of all the websites I wanted to visit - most of them fan pages, several of them related to old-time radio. I was amazed at all the information available for free online detailing so much data on old-time radio shows. At that time it seemed as though there were definitive authorities on old-time radio; it seemed as though everyone in the hobby agreed on what existed and that the logs provided by Jerry Haendiges were the best measurement of what programs were originally broadcast and what still existed.

Of course, much has changed in the following decades; the hobby is very decentralized now. Haendiges basically hasn't updated his logs since I first got online, meaning his logs are not an accurate representation of what currently exists, nor supplies updated data that researchers have uncovered in the last two decades. The Radio Goldindex is a pretty good authority on what is out there, but when a new program is discovered you have no way of knowing it. Even archives that attempt to be all-inclusive like the Old-Time Radio Researchers' Group don't have everything that's out there - you can find all kinds of programs on YouTube, the Internet Archive and elsewhere that are not in the OTRR vault.

It's a shame, because when a so-called "lost" episode of a popular show is discovered that should be celebrated - but fans like myself only figure out that a lost show has been found by digging around in back chatter. Such as my recent discovery that last month, a missing episode of Inner Sanctum Mysteries titled "Front Page Murder" was uploaded on the Internet Archive.

It's a great little episode with crisp audio and absolutely representative of what we fans of Inner Sanctum Mysteries expect from the program. It concerns a reporter who begins receiving mysterious psychic messages from a woman that lead him to the scenes of crimes committed by "the Claw Man."

If you're a fan of Inner Sanctum Mysteries, you should be aware this episode is available and it's very good! Take a listen and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. My experiences are very similar. The Walter Concrete OTR CD's came out slightly after this and were incredibly well chosen and I remember that site very well. Even now if you type in best otr shows of all time, it comes up near the top. I still remain more or less addicted to Dragnet which is common for me to do where I listen over and over on shuffle but I think it's the best noir show that I can find. Its topics are very mature and it seems to be to be less over the top than the television show although I forward past all of the Dragnet episodes involving children under 16 as most of them are maudlin or annoying. I have tried some of the other Webb OTR shows but I don't think they are quite as good. The Big Broadcast has three shows that it always plays every week, Johnny Dollar, Gunsmoke and Dragnet and they are all worthy. Even the non-Bob Bailey ones are excellent. Great work. I love the Whistler as well but as you imply, it's good while you listen to it but I have a hard time remembering any of the episodes.
