Friday, June 7, 2024

Angola in the Comics #22: Carthago Adventures Vol. 3: Chipekwe

I've previously noted that when it comes to comic book depictions of Angola, European comics tend to be much better at depicting the country than North American creators. Part of what I enjoyed about both Insiders and Alter Ego was that the creators had clearly taken the time to find good contemporary references for the country's visuals.

This time I'm looking at Carthago Adventures Vol. 3: Chipekwe, a French publication from 2014 which was released in English by Humanoids in 2017. It's written by Christophe Bec and drawn by Fafner. I haven't read any other books in the Carthago series, but based on this story, it concerns a wealthy man named Feiersinger who is really into cryptozoology and travels around the world trying to prove that semi-mythical creatures really exist. He's accompanied by his ally London Donovan, a hunter who provides a lot of the muscle.

Chipekwe is the name given to a creature who is believed by cryptozoology enthusiasts to live in Zambia, although sources suggest it might also live in Angola. I'm not really into cryptozoology but I have a good friend who is and I think Carthago Adventures would be very appealing to him. The story even begins at Loch Ness as Feiersinger investigates what turns out to be a false lead.

Once the action moves to Angola, artist Fafner demonstrates some terrific visuals of the country. Heck, they go so far as to depict the TAAG airline logo on the airplane! The story turns out to have an interesting connection to Loch Ness - that is, the locals at Lake Dilolo (an actual lake in Moxico province) where the Chipekwe is said to appear, are aware of the massive tourism industry surrounding Loch Ness. When Feiersinger shows up with his expensive crew to find the Chipekwe, the locals really want to encourage him, hoping it will bring in valuable tourist dollars!

I can't say enough about Fafner's art. I mean, look at these visuals - a moonlit night in the marshes of Lake Dilolo; utterly gorgeous depictions of the Angolan countryside appear in this story. But do Feiersinger and Donovan find the Chipekwe? Is all just a big hoax? I recommend you read Carthago Adventures Vol. 3: Chipekwe and discover for yourself!

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