Monday, June 3, 2024

Cinema, meet entropy

There are any number of editorials on the internet - particularly the entertainment pages of news sites - on the troubles of the cinemas. Why have so many big budget movies recently failed in their theatrical releases? What do audiences really want to see? What will bring numbers back up to their more predictable pre-pandemic tallies?

And every author has their theories. I'm certain there is no single reason why movies have been struggling recently. Is it competition from other venues? Foreknowledge that the films will be easily available online? Studios out of step with what audiences are interested in? Sure, all of that.

But last weekend I went to the cinema for the first time since last December and I have to say, it wasn't a great experience. I can accept a certain amount of discomfort in the cinema; if the theatre is dirty or the seats are uncomfortable, I'll bear it for the sake of watching the film. Where I draw the line is when the cinematic experience is ruined by the presence of other cinema-goers.

I'm sure we all have examples of fellow cinema-goers who've been a real detriment to our enjoyment of a film, but when I see opinions from cinephiles who, with mist-laden eyes and quivering lips contemplate the tragic possibility of cinema chains going out of business, I don't ever see them comment on this.

I had a guy in the row in front of me who apparently had a very important conversation that could not wait -- because about every three minutes he pulled out his phone to text. And my wife informed me that the person seated in front of her was constantly talking during the film. We enjoyed the film, but we did not enjoy the experience of going to the cinema.

And ultimately, you can't dismiss this - moviegoers are most interested in their own comfort. Some of them want an environment where they can take out their phones any time they like or talk over the movie. Others want just the opposite! My wife and I like going to the cinema, but ultimately when we want to see a movie we enjoy it just fine no matter what screen it's presented on.

I've had some great experiences watching movies that were heightened by the presence of other people in the cinema and how they reacted to what was on the screen. But, generally speaking, I'm just as happy to watch films in my home and avoid having to endure the behaviour of strangers.

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