Friday, October 13, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 13: "Baker's Dozen"

"You see, I used to be a baker. Everybody was always askin' for an extra bun, or an extra donut, one more pork roll when they bought a dozen, you see? That's supposed to be some old-time custom or something for bakers."

A man sitting in a jury box listens to witnesses recount the story of a murder. As the case proceeds, the juror becomes more and more aware that the murder being described concerns him directly! It's a bit of a variation on Charles Dickens' story "the Trial for Murder," the variation being the identity of the person telling the tale - and it ends abruptly as the juror's fate is fully revealed!

"Baker's Dozen" was originally broadcast January 19, 1948. You can listen to the episode at Quiet,

Image created using Firefly.

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