Saturday, October 14, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 14: "It's Later Than You Think"

"How I got there I will never know, one minute I was sitting on the davenport with Verna right in my own living room in High Bridge, New Jersey just for no reason setting my watch 11 hours ahead and then vrong! I'm alongside the railroad station in Camp Dix and it's daylight and the sergeant... well, now... things don't happen like that, there's no such thing as magic. But... how? Tell me, how?"

Joining the army must be a very disconcerting experience for a drafted civilian, to have to surrender so much control and be ordered about. Such is the case of our nervous protagonist in "It's Later Than You Think" (title possibly inspired by the famous intro heard on Wyllis Cooper's earlier radio series Lights Out). His new wristwatch has the unusual power to control time and that causes all kinds of problems as he finds himself reliving moments - and blundering into trouble.

"It's Later Than You Think" was originally broadcast August 2, 1948. You can listen to the episode at Quiet,

Image created using Firefly.

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