Sunday, October 15, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 15: "Three Thousand Words"

"What'd you do if you heard a knock on your door some cold winter night, you went to the door and opened it, there was a fella about three feet high standin' on your front porch in the snow? Jump about ten feet in the air and yell? Sure, probably. Only, Hubert didn't jump; he couldn't."

"Three Thousand Words." A title that tells you precious little about what you're in for! What we have here is one of star Ernest Chappell's most interesting performances as he portrays a three-foot tall man with a rough, deep voice. What follows is a familiar tale of phony spiritualism and ventriloquism but with some great twists.

"Three Thousand Words" was originally broadcast August 23, 1948. You can listen to the episode at Quiet,

Image created using Firefly.

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