Monday, October 16, 2023

OTR Halloween 2023 Day 16: "Symphony in D Minor"

"Personally, I believe in the law of the jungle. I believe the fight goes to the strong, the one that's smarter, the one that ought to win. I've made my way in life that way, you can't tell me anything different."

Every episode of Quiet, Please opened with a performance of Cesar Franck's Symphony in D Minor. It's no coincidence that today's episode is likewise called "Symphony in D Minor." While the protagonist plots to murder his girlfriend's husband, the husband - a gifted psychologist - has his own scheme to use hypnotism and turn his would-be killer into a murderer whenever he hears Franck's Symphony in D Minor...

"Symphony in D Minor" was originally broadcast September 13, 1948. You can listen to the episode at Quiet,

Image created using Firefly.

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